For search campaigns – SEO or Paid Search – the most critical step is keyword research and discovery. The best of paid search professionals only use exact match keywords in their campaigns, BMMs or Broad matches are only used for keyword discovery.Therefore, to help you discover all keywords, we have created a Keyword Research Add-on (available on G-Suite Marketplace) which simplifies the keyword research process – seamlessly integrating keywords from different sources and then finally fetching search volumes. Here is the flow of the Keyword Research Add on
1. Generate Keyword Ideas:
1.1 Keyword Generation through Permutation and Combination Method: Use all seed keywords and then create an exhaustive list of keywords by multiplying each keyword
1.2 Google Autocomplete/People Also Search For Results: Discover variants of your keywords that Google suggests on SERP
1.3 Leverage keyword planner for generating ideas
2. Fetch Search Volumes
2.1 Fetch Search Volumes of keyword seamlessly through keyword Planner (the Add On is integrated with AdWords API)
3. Categorise/Group/Theme Keywords
3.1 Develop themes and sub-themes of keywords based on intent